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<root>­/­mirrors­/­amigascne­/­Scrollers­/­N-Groupstext­/­Nah Kolor/Nah_Kolor-Speed28-ads.txt

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2024-09-05 01:10:24
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       ________   _____      ______  ________  _______ ____/__|__  _____
    ___\  __  /___\_   \____|     /__\_     /__\_    /_\ _______/__\  _/____
    \     ./       /    /   |    /    /____/   _/   /   \/    |    _\      /
                         - s - e - c - t - i - o - n -
                              send your adverts to
                                   polna 63/5
                                 21-2oo parczew
                disk back with the latest issue of = S P @ @ D =
       _______ _____    _______
     __\__   /_\   /____\   __/__
     \   \_   /  _/    /   _/   /
     /________\________\________\ -nM$!       __ _  ____  ___ __   _____ ____
                                            __\ ___|__ / _\  Y /_ _\___ \__ /__
       Coma of Three Little Elks              _/  ___/  Y    _   Y   `/   (
                                              \_  `-'   |    /   |    ____/ _ _
    I come home, and what do I find        aC!d(-.______|---/____|-.___|dGs \
  in my mailbox? No swapping letters,
   that's for sure. I'm tired of all               korball/dinx project
  inactive contacts and want some new             niedzialkowskiego 47/8
  ones. I don't care who or what you                   41800 zabrze
     are, but you must be active!                         poland
           Daniel Johansson                  100% answer to every disksenders
           Stenstaliden 1 B
          68136 Kristinehamn            
 Write today for fresh and list stuff!
   ______ __  _________ _____  _________   ________________________________:_
  |          /    _    \\__  )/   __    \                                  |
  | cDr/m's /     /       (__     ./     \        · qBA / nAH-kOLOR ·     _|
  |________ \_____\ ______________|______/ _______________________________\
  contact me ONLY for tekno/trance/acid/jungle/house/ambient modules swapping:
             qba / nah-kolor, ul.chopina 4, 12-100 szczytno, poland
                           please no normal swapping
          i got lessons to bring up, you oughta receive'em!  i'll have
          a  sip for the better times, here comes the paradise - kinda
          magic dice... keep dreaming! that's watcha do when you roll!
     ___                               ______
   ./  /__   ___    ___ ___    ____   /    _/               m a j k e l
   |  _   \./  /___/   \   \.__\_  \./     |               v e n t u r e
   |__/    |   \_  \.  /    |   /   |______|bLUNt
   [--\____|________|_______|___\___|tE/h!-------]        for 100% answer
                                                          i need from you
   contact me for all kinds of INSOMNIA support...        own productions
   TOO HOT pack support.. or just a relaxed swap..        and long letter
   marktkade 110 - 9581 aw  musselkanaal - holland        michal czebotar
                                                          os.zachod b22e1
   ...the answer is guarenteed to everyone, though        73-110 stargard
   .....graphicians or people with a huge graphics        - p o l a n d -
 collection are prefered, write now!!...........
                                                            m a j k e l
   ........bLUNT/gHD^aMBROSIA^iNSOMNIA eDITOR cREW         v e n t u r e
   [---------------------------[ ]-]
     ___________        ___________     __________
 ___|   __  __  |______|  _______  |___|  ______  |______    ___ __  _   _ _
 _    ,-\_\/_/-. ______ .-)  ___/ _______ )    | ______  |__|  ____  .___.
  :   |   \/   |-\___ (-|    (/ |-)  ___/-|    | )    | ______ )__  \|   |
  .   |__  /   |   ____ .___    |   --'   |   /__|    |-\___ (-|         |
  :      \/    |_  \-'  |  /____|___      |__    \   /__  ____ |___/     |
  |      /_____|/_______|   ____   /______| /_____\     \ \-'  |  /______|
  |   _ ___ _____ _________|    |_______________   /_____\_____|  ______ ___ _
                                                |_____ __ __ ____|
My  Amiga  has  been  burnt due for a fire accident in our house.  Therefore I'm
more or less out of the scene having just a Pentium150.  If you still want to be
in  touch  with  me (also new contacts wanted), please use MSDOS formatted disks
only.  Do not send me any executables!  Use LHA and ZIP only (modules, pictures,
TXT  files).   PC WARES HIGHLY PREFERED!  If you haven't receive a reply from me
for a long time, please send me a postcard with your address because I have lost
the  archive  along  with my harddisk...  Greetings to everyone I know!  You can
also send me *.ADF files executabled by UAE emulator
        Marek Zavodnik, Pod Chrastkou 310, 783 57 TRSICE, Czech Republic
  ______  __/\__  ____ ___ ______________
 _\  __/__\____/__\_ ( )  Y  ___  ___ __/_
 \__ l   _Y   _Y   - _Y  .l  _Y¬  _Y\__   \_
 ||      \__  \__    \__ |   \__  \__ ¬  __/    ________________________________
 |`-------^----^------^--^----^----^------'|   _____  /   / __// / /   /   / / /
 |             Hawk of Giants              |     / / / /_/ // / / / / / /_/ /_/
 |            ----------------             |    /   /   / //_/_/ / / /   /   /
 |             Niklas Jonsson              |   /_/_/_/ /_//_____/___/_/ /_/_/
 |                Bittinge                 |  ------/_/--- artwork --/_/---
 |            715 92 St.Mellosa            |
 |                 Sweden                  |    For legal reasons write to..
 |                                         |   ------------------------------
 |         |         Trasher of Artwork
 |                                         |         Oliver Plink
 | 2 Join and 4 friendly,fast,aga,ecs,vhs, |         Bricciusweg 3
 | swapping. Also for supporting Implant,  |         89079 Ulm
 | The Night Train, Feedback, Brain Damage,|         Germany
 | Eurocharts and lot's of others as well. |
` -----------------------------------÷noB÷-'
                    ________ __________   _____     ____  ____
            _______/   ____/_\__      /___\   /_____\   \/   /_
            \      \___  .\    /_____/./     /    \_   \  /    \_
                      \   \\         //     /|     /    \/      /
                  . . . o N L y   f O r   j O I N I N g . . .
                             tHe fOUNDEr / sCUm  hQ
                                dARIUSz cIERPIAl
                                uL. bANKOWa 7/18
                               42-29o  bLACHOWNIa
                                   - pOLANd -
         . . . i T ' s   n I C e   t O   l I V e   i N   s C U m . . .
                       - fOr fASt aNd fRENDLy sWAPPINg -
  ^   :    ____    ___ ___    ______             : KaosMaster oF DarkAge
  |   _____\_ /_ __\  /  /_ __\  __/ -------------    Scozzari Franco
  |         /   \_   /_    \_    \___ DarkAge!     Via risorgimento 13/B    
  |   ___________/____(_____/_______/      1·9·9·7   90040 CAPACI (PA) 
  |   |                            /______________       I T A L Y
  ·----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - ->  
           - 100% Reply to Long Letter writers - 50% to Begginners -
               ! fOr sUPPORTINg PLANET and fOR tHe lATESt iSSUe !
        18 Gigs of demo scene stuff.  The biggest collection available!
                       !!  hIGH dENSITY dISK sWAPPING  !!
    ^  f O r   a B N O R M A l   s W A P P I N g   a C T I V I T I E s   ^ }
    ________ ___  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ___/\___ ________
   _\_ ___ /_\_ \/ _/_\_ ____/_\_ ____/_\_ __ _/_\_ ____/_\__  __/_\_ ___ /_
  For some fast Swapping or for supporting pSYCHO pACK write a nice letter 2:
     Drac/Ambrosia             Respectz: Draw, Raze, Raivo, Syntax, Dweeb,
     Jan Knudsen                         Cyboman, Sunscream, Celtic,  Lfo,
     Diverhøjvej 5                       Haahr,  Coolio, Skize,  Receiver,
     8570 Trustrup                       Scraby, Tft, Gangsta, Hotstepper,
     Denmark                             Decoy, Vega, Crusader, Mr.King...
  .--- -________ ______      ____ -.
  | ____\_     //  __  \ ___|    | |
  | \    /    /    ./      _|    | |        ------------------------------
  |/____/______\___|_______\.    | |         - Natural Born Asciiartist -
  `---------------- -cDr/m's|____|-'        ------------------------------
                                             CRUSADER / SESSION / MO'SOUL
   anjia / nah-kolor                                 janne kotta
   anna zaniewska                                   arbygatan  1a
   ul.nauczycielska 15/34                         63345  eskilstuna
   12-100 szczytno                                     Sweden
                                             Big hellos to these FRIENDS!
              lucha / nah-kolor             ------------------------------
              karolina kowgier                Case78/Scoopex/C-lous/Head
              ul.nauczycielska 15/33            MarcRyder/Hord/Mo'soul
              12-100 szczytno                 Devistator/Eltech/Twisted!
              poland                        ------------------------------
                                                    I love you guys!
     only papers'n'loong letters            ------------------------------
              NO disks!
                                                Keep the faith in swapping
                                                .Your only way to survive.
                                                 GHANDY OF GODS & DARKAGE
       __  ______________________________              LARS SOBIRAJ
     __\ \/ /_    _  /_         (_      /            MINDENER STR. 05
   _/         \   \_   \  __\____/  ___/ \           40227 DÜSSELDORF
   \_____\/    \___/    \_\ _ ____________\              GERMANY!
   <+>-- /______\ /______\ ---------wBr-<+>
      4 music ->  marc/syndrome^sector 7        *** Scener since 1992 ***
            marcus kaluschke                      Official support for:
                 d-31553 sachsenhagen        D.I.S.C, Generation, JP, Planet
                     germany                   Seenpoint, Too Hot, X-Files
                                               GODS Demostuff FTP-Server:
     _ ___ _|__ ____  ______ _______           /
    _//__//___//____//_____//______//__        /|
        ____|_____                         _____|____    ________
      __).       (__   __________        __).       (__  \      .(__
    __\________ ___/__ . ___    (____  __\________ ___/__   )______/___
      \_      _\\_   .\  )________  (__  \_      _\\_   .\_________   .\
      .             ___\  __          .\ .             ___\ .     (  ___\
     )_____________( ______/.        ___\ ____________( ____________(
            |             /_________(           |        ctp!/amf
            |               ___ _______ ______ _|___ ____ ___ ___
            |/  i· r· i· s·   //______//_____//____//___//__//__
         you can try to contact us writting to one of these addresses:
         ·darkhawk / iris·       ·bubba / iris·       ·volcryn / iris·
        ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
          christian hviid       jakub szatkowski        stian sollie    
         øsby nedergade 20       3 maja  43a/14          svanevn  5    
          6100  haderslev        09500 gostynin       3057 solbergelva
              denmark                poland               norway
            -join·swap-              -join-               -swap-
                                                       / ¬\  HS!  .__/\______.
                                                 _____/____\___   `-----.    '
  _________  _________    _________             _\   _________/____     ¦
  \     __ `--,      _`--/        _`--,      ---_)_______________  ¬\_---'
   \_    /  _/___   _/ _/___      /  /          ~~~~/_:.       \/   _/
  .:|    _]     |   \      |        /:.              `--------------'
  :'l___________l----\_____l_______/sLV      fOr fRIENDLy'N'cRAZy sWAPPiNg
                                                        wRITe tO
    supafast finnish mail/modemtrader
  -------------------------------------             iCEMAn  / sECTOr 5
     · bRAINDEAd/tRSI rECORDZ^HRMU ·                 dARIUSz pOKORSKi
      pL 82 · 02321 eSPOO · fINLAND               rYNEk kOSCIUSZKi 5/a/15
  -------------------------------------             15-091   bIALYSTOk
   100% reply. for pure elite swapping                    pOLAND
                                                100% aNSWEr tO dISKSENDERs.
          coma / three little elks
          for traditional swapping           for swapping old dr martens shoes
          and mod.ordering service                 via electronic mail:
              daniel johansson
              stenstaliden 1 b
             68136 kristinehamn
                                            [  m a j k e l / v e n t u r e  ]
          tasty stew to chosen few
              (that was new! =)
  tlm.vim.orbit.korball.dt214.tiger.budgie   ps. old 501's available here too.
           ________ ________ ____        ______ _______ ________     ______
      _____\_     //_      //    |_ ___.|     //   _   \\_     /____/     /
      \     /    /  /_____/      _/    ||          /    _/    /    /     /
     /_____/______\______________|_____/\     __________\__________\______\
    don't hesitate and contact us...                      also 4 join us...
    l e u n a m / n e t w o r k  &  n o r k / n t w ^ m s v ^ o s m ^ d k g
      manuel & abraham sanchez - leon xiii 5, 3c - 41009 sevilla - spain!
   three little elks.abyss.agoa.aliens.amiga circle.ambrosia.artwork.anadune
   analog.appendix.batman group.dinx project.axis.balance.bugs.c-lous.eltech
   capsule.centolos.chronique.corpse.darkness.depth.erotic design.psykotrope brain.giants.goblins
   gods.gore edition.saf
   llfb.massive.metro.mystic.myth.nah kolor.odrusba.old bulls.opium.sector 5
   osmose.ozone.planet core.phuture 303.redline.rektum.ram jam.sadist.strobe
   suicidal tendencies.trsi recordz.tsg.vajrayana.vental.void.x-zone.haujobb
            · _______/\\/__________________________________ _ __ _ ·
         _ _:_\        \/                                        /_:_ _
            !  .c.a.r.p. / .p.h.u.t.u.r.e. .3.0.3. & .s.t.r.o.b.e. |
  __________|__________ __________ __________f.r.i.e.n.d.s.z.o.n.e.|_
 .\   _____/_\   __   /_\_____   /_\   _    /.                     |/
 |    \          \_         _/         /_____|   Steven            |
 `----------^-----/----^----\-----^---------\    107 Tintern Road /|_ _
  -nM$/sOS! ¡  greets to:gods/ram jam/giants     Carshalton  __    |
            |  massive/artwork/syndrome/trsi     Surrey     _\/__  |
            |  redline/iris/illusion/intense     SM5 1QG   \\/\ (  |
            |  abyss/rebels/talent/ambrosia      ENGLAND       \// |
         _ _|__anadune/ssp/appendix/void/lsd                     __|_ _
            : /_ __ _ __________________________________/\  _____\ :
            .                                           /\\/       .
                                            7- _-\7- __7- _ -7-   -7- 7 -7
        /\ /\B.D                            |  7  \  __)  7  |_  __|  _  |
       / // /\_  /\_  /\_  /\_              )- | -(-  -|- ___jT--T )- 7 -(
      / _  /\_ \/ _ \/\_ \/\_ \             |  j  /____j___T__l__j_|__|  |
     / // / // / // / // / // /             l____/____________________|__j
     \// /\_  /\// /\_  /\_  /A             |                            |
      / /___\/___\/___\/___\/__N            | FOR SWAPPING M O D U L E S |
      \_______________________ \D           |       c o n t a c t        |
       Contact me if you Like:\/\           )----------------------------(
       ---------------------- / /           |  *  C u r t   C o o l  *   |
     Long letters,Flyers,Nice/ /_           )----------------------------(
     paper Pics,Chewing Gums \___\          |      FRANK E. LARSEN       |
     ,Hot Stuffs & Surprise!!/ __/          |STOLPEGÅRDSVEJ 35, st mf th |
            Write to:       / _/_           |   2820 GENTOFTE, DENMARK   |
        - Black Dragon - of \    \          )----------------------------(
     Honoo & Limited Edition \/\_/          |Over 13000 modules available|
          Paul Pacheco       /\_ \          |To be sure to get an answer,|
        2 Av. Paul Brard    / // /          |send your big modlist&letter|
     78700 Conflans  France/____/           |_ ________________________ _|
                                            |_(the top is at the bottom)_|
          : :  ·D·I·G·I·T·A·L·  : :
         :.._____  __.         ..:              .
       ____|_   /_/  |____ ____:                .
       )   _/  (_)   ____/_)   |____         . .:.....MAGELLAN/ROYAL PC
     _/    |    \_   |-nM$!\_  |    \_          :                     :
    \\___________/__________/________//         .  Marek Zavodnik     .
           :                   :                   Pod Chrastkou 310  .
           : NEMES!S / DIGITAL :                .  783 57 TRSICE      .
           :                   :                   Czech Republic     :
           : 30 FARRIER CLOSE  :                .                     .
           : FATFIELD,WASHINGTON                .please use MSDOS for-:
           : TYNE AND WEAR     :                :matted disks only!!!.:.. .
           : NE38 8RW          :                                      :
           : UNITED KINGDOM    :   
         ..:                   :..                                    .
         : :    * EDITORS *    : :
                   ______.-\  |  /  _______                  __
                 .-\ _  ¬|    __ ¬|-\ ____/               ,øØØØØø,        o
            :____|   \___|_   |¬_ | __---'-.___________ _ Ø~____¬Ø ____: O
       o    |·   |_   |   /___| \ ¦  /  _  |              `(_)(_)'    ·|  ·
        ·   ·     /   |       `--\'_____/  |             __| `' |__    |
   .--   ___.___  ----'  · _______\/   `---' ___.     .·¯  `-¯¯-'  ¯·. ·
   |   .-\  |  /  _______:-\  _  /  ___    :-\ ¬| __oOO__ fREEZERs  _OOo___
   |   |    __ ¬|-\  _  /.    |  ¬|-\ ¬|   | __ |-\  ___/. _______.-\  _  /
   |   |_   |¬_ | __ |  ¬|_   | _ | __ |___|_\/_¦    \_ ¬|_\__   /.    | /¬|
   |    /___| \ ¦  / |   |/___· \ ¦  /_/  ¬|\/\/|_    /  |  __  /¬|_   |   |
   |        `--\'____·   |    `--\'_____   |    |/___·   |_ |/    |/___|   |
   |            \/   `---'        \/   `---|    :    `---'/____   |    `---'
   |                                       ·    .             `---'$Ð!
   |                          tHE hOOLIGAN/fREEZERS
   `--->   ø mIKKO vIRTANEN ø uRPUPOLKU 6A17 ø 15240 lAHTI ø fINLAND ø
           ___/\__    __/\__    __/\__     __/\__   .¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾. ___/\__
          _\___   \  _\_  _/_  _\ ___/__  _\ ___/__ ¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾ \__   /_
      .--|     \   \_        \_   \     \_   \      ¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾   /     \_-.
    .-|  |      \ .:/       .:/    \_  .:/    \_  . ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   \    .:/ |-.
    `-|:.l_________/|________/|_________/|_________ ¾¾¾       ____\____/.:|-'
      `---------------------------------------------`¾¾¾¾¾¾ ----------lm!-'
       :         for some friendly mail-trading you can write to:       :
       :                                                                :
       :                         digger/iris                            :
       :                         tomasz jankowski                       :
       :                         mlodziezowa 14/19                      :
       :                         09-100 plonsk                          :
       : 100% back guaranteed!   poland                                 :
               !support me with demos and intros for my selector!
    _______|_   ____ ____   _________ _________|_______   ___/\ _____ /\____
   _\_____ _/_ _\__ Y __/_ _\_____ _/_____  ____\_ _ _/_ _\____\_    Y     /
  /    __/    \    \_/    \    __/    \/     |/    |    \    _ _/___ l ___/
 /_____|_______\____|______\___|_______\_____|___________\___|     \___|
           |                              tsar1|             |______\w^s
           | -by: psn- ______/\   __/|       __|______ _____ /\_____/\_____
           |          _\_______\__\_ |____  _\_____ _/_     Y      / _____/
           `---------/   _______/    l    |/    __/    \___ l ____/____  \
                    /_______|  /__________|_____|_______\|_____||_________\
                                passion ^ puzzle
                                  danni hansen
                            valdemarsgade 13b st. 1
                                 dk-7100 vejle
                                               _________     .____.
                                            ___\       /_____|    | -ÐÅ!
    ___   ___   ______ __________  __       |   \     /_____ \  __|___
  ./  /_./  /_./   _  \.         \/  \.     |   \\   / \___   \ \__   \
  l___  l___  |_  _/   : sunshine     |     |----\__/---/______\ /KoLoR\
     /____ /___/  \____: productions  |
  ·-----------/ zZ   \----------------·     _/\_  melon/nah-kolor^mst
   |                                 |      \oo/   dabrowskiego 87/4
   |       rooster / sunshine        |             58-105 swidnica  _/\_
   |        Anders Lindqvist         |                 poland       \oo/
   |          Ängsvägen 16           |
   |        820 75 Harmånger         |      o n l y  p u r e  e l i t e !
   |             SWEDEN              |
   +---------------------------------+      hi:uhu.qix.qba.lazur. dreamer
   |     speed devil / sunshine      |      decoy.blaze.zefir.extend.klaf
   |       Morten Martinussen        |      noodle.tfounder.mount.pantera
   |        Sandsliveien 263         |
   |          5049 Sandsli           |      action.swoop.kazik.mike.magic
   |              NORGE              |
  ·-----------------------------------·     adonis.dan.def.monica.mercury
                                            muffler.bartman. billy.case78
                                            mr king.
                   ¦     .
             ______|___  | ____/\____    __________    ____._____
           ._)   _____(  |_)___  ___(__._)   __   (__._)   |    (__.
           |     \_|     |     \/      |     /       |     _       |

          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
           4 hIGh qUALITy mAILTRADINg tRy · dR SZACh of dINx pROJECt
          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
               mACIEj jAROSZKIEWICz · ul. zYGMUNTa sTAREGo 16/11
                         21-5OO bIALa pODLASKa · pOLANd
          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
              rAYTRACINg wAREz ^ hC/iNDUSTRIAl/tRANCe sTUFf oNLy!
          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
                  _______ ________ _____ _______ _________ ______
             _____\     //    _   \\  _//   _   \\   _   //     /_____
             \     \    \    ./       \     /        /         /     /
            /____________\   |________________________________________\
                                        i have a500!  so fuckin' what?
            only the pure swappin'
                                    JACOOL the independent
            also 4 latest SPEED     jacek olejnik,  piastów sl.1/69
            also 4 CANDY ASS        pl-47100 strzelce opolskie, poland
            feel free to write,  everyone will get the disks back...
       __                               ______ ___________ _________  ______
   _\\`  | april`97                     |____ V_____|____ V_____|  |  | ____|
  |  \  _____    ___      _____         |___ _|_____|___ _|_____|  |__\___ \_
  |    _\    \_ _\  |__  _\___ \__      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
  |  _/  ____/ Y   ___/-Y   `/   (      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
  ·  \_        |    |   |    ____/      l__|  |_____l_____A_____A_____l_____|
  aC!d(-.______|-.______|-.___|dGs      rC7l__l
  .      .
  |   \__| for joinig mawi posse:
  |__,\\                                           SwOOP/rEBElS
          ctp/mawi^link124                         ERiK SuNDBERG
            szeroka 35/8                          STRANDBERGSV.12
          75-814 koszalin                        6 1 1 37 NYKoPING
               poland                               S W E D E N
                                            .:: aLSO FOR MODuLE SWAP ::.
    old sceners, foreigners only            ·::  LoNG LEttER PLEASE  ::·
                                        _______        ______
                                 _______\_   _/_______/   _  \_-----.___
      SWAP OR DIE! '97           \_   _   \     | _   \__ ¬\__/  -. |   \____
                                  / ·. ¬\___)-)  : ¬\___) \_   \---' :    \_ |
    SPLATTERHEAD/SCOOPEX         /    ·. |   /`--'   |\_________/----:___+-¬ :
            PL 62               `--------'  `--------' ^p³p^             `---'
      FIN - 15141 LAHTI         pepson/·)pium
           FINLAND              piotr trochymiak     support "Poczytaj Mi
                                h.sawickiej  6/2      Mamo" with messys,
      ALSO 4 AMYCD SWAP         pl-22200 wlodawa     adverts,news and nice
                                poland                   chip tunes !!
     ________      ___________  _______  _________  __________  ___________
    |       /______\__       /__\_____/__\__     /__\  ____   \_\    __    |
  .-|      /\        /______/              /               \         \     |-.
  |:|______________________________________\      \________________________|:|
               __\                                            /______
           ____\_         w E I R D O / n E T W O R K               /
           \              m A I T I K A N K A T U   8               |
           |                 1 5 2 3 0   l A H T I                  |
           |                     f I N L A N D                   ___|
           |____         e-mAIL:           \  _
            _  /__________________________________________________\ \
                         MIDI aND sYNTH oWNERS wANTED!
                                                \|                      |/
                                                 |   · k i s m a t ·    |
           _     ___             bD!/dGs         |                      |
     `æµµµæP  _a°"Þ  _____   _____    ___       |   ______  ___        |
       ¯¯¯Æ_aøP¯ _ ___\ __/. _) ___)__.\  \  ____·___\_   /./ __|_ __   |
         JÑ@"              |/ \____  /|   \\/   /.\  _/    |   ___) /.  |
         Øm__              .      /   .    \/    |   \_    .    |    | _|
         F ¦#w_ _ ________|__________|____/     |____|____|_________| \.
        JL    ¬Mm                         /______|                      |
         b     ""                                |_   · a p a t h y ·   |
                      for da looose crazy swap:   /_____________________|
                   ·  kismat of apathy · krystiano idzikovski ·
               ·  morcinka 15/3 · 42612 tarnowskie gÓry · poland ·
                           · everybody get da answer · 
 ____________ ___  ___  ________\  ¬|___           protect the mailswapping
 \_  ___) .__) .¬\/ .¬\/ ._ \ ___)  |  /----.
 ||___ ¬\ ¦ ¬\ ¦  \ ¦  \ ¦__/ _)_/     \    !       blaze/floppy+nah-kolor
 !(___  /____/____/____/ |¬¦_____)__|   \   ¡             polna 63/5
 ¡   ¬\/              ¬\_|         ¬¦____\  |           21-200 parczew
 `--------------------------------------÷2F÷'               poland
  C a s e 7 8 / S c o o p e x  ^ C - l o u s    black dragon/honoo+limited ed.
           R e n e   R u m m e l                     2  avenue paul brard
  H u t s c h e n r e u t h e r k o l . 5         78700 conflans st honurine
            9 5 1 0 0   S e l b                             france
               G e r m a n y
                                                      back to the roots!
    dealer of latest ambrosia productions
    graffiti - hiphop - aerosol lifestyle       traditional/elite mailtrading!
      ... name it and you are my man
      /\______/\ _____/\______/\______/\______/\
 +---//____    /Y  ____/   __  /___ ___/  __/  /
 |   \//  \\  /    ___/    ___/  // \ /   __  /----------------------+
 |   _/   _/  \_  \\  \_ //   \_      \_ //   \_ Elite&Friendship    |
 |   \ ________/_______/__\____/_______/__\__ //        at:          |
 |    Y                                  ScR!\/  (Gizmoduck/Depth)   |
 |       ThE tOP is At tHe bOtToM !!!     |       Martin Leopold     |
 +---------------------+------------------+      Hvidkløvervej 26    |
                       | !DISK=ANSWER!             2400 Kbh. NV      |
                       |                              Denmark        |
        _ _____ .               . ______ _
       _________¦_____ _____  __¦___________      _ ________ _ ________
      /     _________/_____/__\____________/__    \\\_ ____/_\\\_     /___--.
     /   _________/   \       \              /          |    \       /    \ ¦
    /         \ -------/_______\  tF!/aZk!  /                 \_    /\     \_
   /___________\.·            \____________/      \______   .: /___      .: /
       _ _____ |:.. . fCi . ..:. ______ _         ¦ draw/_____/  /_________/¦
               `---------------'                  `-------------------------'
      i'M gOING bACK tHE sCENE, yEKkk!!!             raze/cosmic woodheads
                                                        thomas petersen
              QIX / FLYING COWS INC.                   nr.brogade 110 2th
                   PO BOX 128                             8900 randers
                75202 KOSZALIN 4                            denmark.
                                                      5 0 %   a n s w e r
                 ____    ___ ___    ______             
   _ _ _ __ _____\_ /_ __\  /  /_ __\  __/ -------------------
                  /   \_   /_    \_    \___       d A R K A G e     
            ___________/____(_____/_______/                     1·9·9·7
                                         /_______________________________ ___ _
               mODEM oF dARKAGE                   kAOSmASTER oF dARKAGE
                 pAOLO d'URSO                        fRANCO sCOZZARI
         vIA cACCIATORI dELLE aLPI 45             vIA rISORGIMENTO 13/B
            sPOLETO (PG) - 06049                    90040 CAPACI (PA)
                  I T A L Y                             I T A L Y 
    _____  ________   _____  ____  ______      _____ _______  _____     _____
    \  _/__)__ __  \_(___  \(____)(____  \ ____\_  /_  _   /_(___  \____\_  /_
   _/    __  / \____/   /   \_    \_  |   \_ __     /  ___/ /   /   \___ pa! /
   \________/ ___\  ____\____/_____/__|____/_______/_______/ ___\____/______/
   -  - --------------------------- -  --  - ---------------------------- -  -
   Get in touch with a premiere finnish mail/modem-trader. 0-5d wares for pure
   excitement. Also for modules, oldie goldie stuff, xx-rated jpeg, ware cd's,
   underground technotapes, homemade techno, hpacvd, vhs, flyers, stickers and
   everything else. 100% reply! Everyone is welcome! Just send some disks with
   latest ami/pc stuphv & nice letters. -
   -  - --------------------------- -  --  - ---------------------------- -  -
   X  X     BRAiNDEAD/TRSI RECORDS · POBOX 82 · 02321 ESPOO · FiNLAND     X  X
   -  - --------------------------- -  --  - ---------------------------- -  -
                 ____________ (_____   |
                |           (_____  |  | for high quality mail-trading
                ¦ _               | l__| you can write to:
                _(,)_  · iris ·   |                     _
               ( ·×· )      __    | ____      __     _,-'\
                ¯(`)¯     ,(-,\_  ·/   (__  ,(-,\_   ) __/__
                (\T/) , ,-\_¯_/(,-\\_____ )-\_¯_/(,-\\____ (, ,
                _¯T¯  \_\_  ¯   __¸  `-'  __¸ ¯   __¸   \)  ( (
                ·¯¯¬-  ( (_    _/(_ _T    \(_    _/(_      _/ /
            __  ¦          ¯¯¯¯   .¯ `-----\ ¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯
           |  | l_____¸        °· |           ·Ac!D/dGs·
           |  |_____  )___________|
           |________)                    dIGGER/iRIS
                                         tOMASZ jANKOWSKI
                                         mLODZIEZOWA 14/19
                                         09-100 pLONSK
                   _ _
    _\__ \--------\//----------/ _ _____________________/_
      \   \  _\___            /                        /
       \   \   \  \  ___ /_  / he'z a drugz man...    /
        \   \   \(o\/o__/   /                        /
         \  (,_   (__)    _,)  and                  /
          \  /   ______    \                       /
            /   /           \  he'z a cool man... / aC!d/dGs
            \________ __  _ /  _____   ___       _____    _____
                     _\ \/ \_ _\    \_ \  \--._ _\___ \_ _\___ \__
              \    _/  \  _  Y ____   Y  \ \   Y _____  Y   `/   (
              _\__ \_   \/   |  `-'   |   \    |  `-'   |   _   _/
                \ .o(-.__|___|-.______|----\___|-.______|---)____\o.
    Revisq/Anadune^Floppy^Monar  | High quality ambient^jungle^detroit mods,
    Patryk Gegniewicz            | filemaster config file,protracker conifig
    J.Bytnara 15/38              | file,paleo-books (only in polish:) swapp.
    02645 Warsaw/Poland          | Also, modules for your production.
    (+48) 022 482891             | Plisss, no lame^new^stupid swappers , | hy, hy...
     ..Tiahuanaco ..
               _ _______________________________/_
                    m  y  s  t  i  c  ' 9 7   / :.
             ___  ___ _____       ____       /___.    ___     _____
           ./   \/   \\    \_____/ __(______/    |_ _(___)_ ./  __(____.
           |    \/    .\    \   /_____     /     _//       \|   \      |
           |____/     |        //___i/    /|     |__________|__________|
               /______|_______/     /____/ |_____|             tF!/u'R!
                                      __/____ _
                                      \/   c  o  n  t  a  c  t    u  s !
             melon / mystic          mike / mystic       xtd / mystic
             dabrowskiego 87/4       kapteeninte 4       gdanska 14/57
             58105 swidnica          20810 turku         84232 rumia
             poland                  finland             poland
                   - only  p u r e  elite -           - only  j o i n -
                                       .....       .....
    .........  ..........   .........  :::::...    :::::.....  .....  ....
   :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::       :::::  :::: :::::  ::::
    ......:::: :::::  ::::  ......:::: :::::  .... :::::  :::: :::::  ::::
   :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  ::::
   :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  ::::
   :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: `::::..::::
   `::::..:::: :::::..:::· `::::..:::: `::::..:::· [dWb]  :::: .....  ::::
               :::::                                           `::::..:::·
                      -   w E   d O N ' t   c A r E !   - 
                        For fast and friendly swapping:
           pOINt/aPATHy         Torgeir Amundsen        rOLEx/aPATHy
        Alexander Gustavsen       Glitregata 13         Thomas Vaags
           Gardkroken 4          3600  Kongsberg    Hulda Garborgs gate 33
            6150 Ørsta                                   2300 Hamar
          (Ascii, swap)         (hq, code, swap)       (music, swap)
                               - aLL iN nORWAy! -
      \       _         _       /            /      _         _       /
       \______/         \______/    ________/\______/         \______/ 
           \_______________/_______\___/tFt      \_______________/
                fOr sUme rEal fRiendship mEdium sPeed sWapping
                               sKaarabrekka 11
                                4370 eGersund
                 kNown gRoups oR gRaphitie guys mOst wElcome.
    HS! __    ___ ___       ____ ___ ___ ___  ___       ___  ____ ___   __
       _\/_ __)   )--' )___ )--( )   )   )-__ )--) )--) )-__ )--( )__) _\/_
       \/\/ - ------------------------------------------------------ - \/\/
       NEW CONTACTS ALSO            PL 62             WANNA SWAP AMYCDS,
       LOST CONNECTION             FINLAND            RELIABLE SWAP SINCE '93
     _ _____                       __ ____
    _\\____¬\__ ________ ____ fM! | _/   /_/\______ _____ __/\______ __ _____
    |    /¬   /_\____  ¬V _ /___  | \_  /________ ¬V  _ /_________ ¬V \\____/
    |   /    /   _`-'   | \/_   |­|  ¬\   ¬\  `-'  |  \/   |   `-'  |     |
    `--/____/-----\_/---^---\___| `----\____\------^-------^--------^-----'
                                                ..n.a.h - k.o.l.o.r..
                       fell free and touch NAH-KOLOR now!
           blaze/nah-kolor       melon/nah-kolor       qba/nah-kolor
             polna 63/5   720           chopina 4
           21-200 parczew        58-105 swidnica       12-100 szytno
               poland                poland               poland
           support -speed-     support -paradise-  modules swapping only!
                      banzai to all our friends worldwide!
              __ _____________________________ _______________________
           .-/ / _   /  _____/_    ___/  /   /  __   / __    / _/    /
      .::::|/   /   / ___/__  /   / /  _/   /   \   /  \____/  _  __/|::::.
      ::   /___/___/_______/ /___/ /_______/_______/___/___\ __\   \ |   ::
      ::   `-lm!----.--------------------------------------.----\___\'   ::
      ::            |     s l o o d y  ^  n e t w o r k    |             ::
      ::            |     b e l l o n i   l a u r e n t    |             ::
      `:::::::::::::| 7, r u e   d e   r i s q u e w i h r |::::::::::::::'
                    |      6 8 2 0 0   m u l h o u s e     |
                    `----------»  f r a n c e  «-----------'
  __                                                                        __
  \/ f a s t  s w a p ^ r e a l  f r i e n d s h i p ^ 1 o o %  a n s w e r \/
                      ._   _________________________  _.
                      | \_) Support by UNRELEASED  (_/ |
                      |_  private virus collection!   _|
    ____   _____   ___|/    ___. ____ .____. _____-ÐÅ!\|___   _____   _____
 .__\   \./ _.  \./  _/____/   |_ ___)|    |/ _.  \.___\_  \_/ _   \./ _.  \.
 |  /____|  \|___|__._          /          |  \|___|    /      /____|  \|___|
 |     .__          |/  ._     |     _.    |      _____/    ._      ._      |
 |_____|  \_____________| \____|____/ |_____\ ____\   /_____|/______| \_____|
                      ·                                ·
                      |  for traditional mailtrading:  |
                      |                                |
                      |      p e s t i l e n c e       |
                      |        radek slomnicki         |
                      |      starzynskiego 8/31        |
                      |      42-227 czestochowa        |
                      |            poland              |
                      |                                |
                      |  back to the roots from oldie  |
                      |  c64 since 1993! 100% reply..  |
                     _|_  ___                    ___  _|_
                      |/__\  )__________________(  /__\|
  _________ ___  ____ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ _________
 _\_ ____ /_\_ \/  _/_\_ _____/_\_ _____/_\_ ___ _/_\_ _____/_\____/_\_ ____ /_
  - --- ------------------------------------------------------------HS!- --- -
                          get in touch with ambrosia:
              RAZE                      GUMA                    DRAC
         thomas petersen           lukasz pieczara          jan knudsen
       nørrebrogade 110, 2th 8705           diverhøjvej 5
           8900 randers            91-494 lodz 87          8570 trustrup
             denmark.                  poland.                denmark.
                                                ______  _________________
                                              _/   _  )/   _  /   ______/
                                              \_  __ »\_  __ _\_____   \_
                                               |   |   |   |   |   |    |
             .p.u.z.z.l.e.                     |   |   |   !   |   !    |
      ···························              |   |   |       [r!t^RBS]|
      ·          decoy          ·              l___|   l___    l___     l
      ·                         ·                : l___|   \___|   \____|
      ·      dannni hansen      ·                :                    :
      ·valdemarsgade 13b st nr.1·                !    fOR fRIENDLY    !
      ·      dk-7100 vejle      ·                |    mODSWAPPING!    :
      ·         denmark         ·                :  (oWNmADE&oTHeRs)  !
      ·                         ·                |                    |
      ·   ·                :    jERRY^rEBELS    :
      ...........................                |  s0RE sKOGVEI 25a  |
            .p.a.s.s.i.o.n.                      : 5037 sOLHEIMSVIKEN !
                                                 |    n O R W A Y     |
                                                 !                    !
                                                 +mUSICIANS pREFERABLY+
                          . . . . . . . .
                          .             .
                    _ ____.__________   .
                        m  a  w  i          ______    //____ _
                      ___  ___   _______   _\     \.   ___.
                    ./   \/   \./   _   \./  \     |__(___|__.
                    |    \/    |    _    |   /\    |         |
                    |____/     |____/    |___/\____|_________|
                : ::::::/______|:::/_____|tF!/u'R!:::::::::::::: :
                          .             .
                          . . . . . . . .  in dust we trust
       have you got unbelievable contact? no? try new style of swapping:
        ctp/mawi hq            komar/mawi              mc.rudi/mawi
     tomasz wisniewski       krzysztof lysko          wojciech nowak
     ul. szeroka 35/8        ul. bema 2/12      ul. czerwonych klonow 5/2
      75-814 koszalin       78-440 czaplinek          33-101 tarnow
          poland                 poland                   poland
     also for getting hottest issues of SAVE DA VINYL and rest MAWI warez
             only true friendshippers. rest of you - suck our dick!
                                           In the firm belief that it is
                                        still possible to gain new contacts
                                         interested in some friendly, lazy 
           Patryk Gegniewicz            to send this advert to a wide range
            J.Bytnara 15/38             of more or less famous amiga scene
          02645 Warsaw/Poland             diskmagazines. This is what you
           (+48) 022 482891              have to do: Send a good letter to
    e-mail:        this adress, and expect an answer
    -----------------------------                  a while later:
    High quality ambient^elektrik
    modules swaping or filemaster       Frank E. Larsen, Stolpegrdsv. 35,st3
    configs file, audiomaster cfg              2820 Gentofte, Denmark
    file...  music for your demo,
       intro/pack/game... ect.              If you happen to be a module
    100% Answer, of koz ... .....          afficionado, modulist/composer,
    -----------------------------           interested in supporting the
                                        Eurochart, or just inventor of a new
                                         machine which will clean up my flat
                                            by itself, write me as well.
                                             _________   __________________
     ____________________________           /   _____/___                  Ì
    |                 _         /_         /___________  \     fOR fAST oR |
   ____ ___ ____ ____(_) ____  _____       dwb/___________\  fRIENDLY sWAP |
  _)__)(__/_)__)_)__)|_|(_()_)|_|/_/             ______           wRITE tO |
     _                                      _____\___  \   pOINT/aPATHY aT |
     /____________________________|        /__      /   \                  |
                                             /     /\    \    a· gUSTAVSEN |
           Candyman/Session                 /     //\_____\   gARDKROKEN 4 |
              Timo Kotta                   /______/           n-6150 øRSTA |
             Arbygatan 1A                   _____________           nORWAY |
           63345 Eskilstuna                /___________  \_                |
                Sweden                       /  ______/   /   rEPLY tO aLL |
                                            /____________/                 |
     Hellos to these nice groups:                 ______     aLSO zIP-sWAP |
  Balance.Axis.3 Little Elks.Artwork        ______\     \   aSCII oRDERING |
  Damage.Rebels.Gods.Passion.Stellar       /__   __\     \ sUPPORT iMPLANT |
  FlyingCows.NahKolor.Essence.RamJam         /   \________\   aND fEEDBACK |
  Sardonyx.Jewels.Mystic.Abyss.Bronx        /_________\   _________________j
           ._____________________________ _|_ ______________________.
           |            .___.              |                        |
    ______ |_____  _____|  _|___  _________·______  __________  ____| ______
  __\___  \_\  _ \/ _  /|  \___ \_\_ __   /_\____ \_\__  ____/ (____)_\___  \
  \   __   \_   \  /    |   __/  \_  _/ _/.    |   \_ /    \__/      \_ __   \_
   \________/____\/____/|_________/__\    |\________/_______/\________/_______/
           |                          \___|                         | draw
           |                                                        |
           |                 for happy mail-trading:                |
           |                                                        |
           |                     guma of ambrosia                   |
           |              8705                     |
           |                      91-494 lodz 87                    |
           |                          poland                        |
           |               _ ______          ______ _               |
           ¦_   _  _ _____///_____( ambrosia )_____\\\_____ _  _   _:
      ________    ________   ________    _______     ________    ____ ____
  . ._\      /_. _\  ____/. _\      /_. _\  ___/__. _\  __  /_. _\   \   /_. .
  ._/  __     .\_  ____/_____ __     .\______     \_    \     \_   __ \    \_.
  :\.  \        /  \        / \        /    /     ./     \    ./   \       ./:
  ::\\  \______/\______    /   \______/\______   //\______   //\____\     //::
      p3pson/op!um^butchers    .ace,agonyofpipi,astaroth,assassin,axe!,axen,
        Piotr Trochymiak       benton,blaze,budgie,delta,dj.dick,dj.m,clary,
        H.Sawickiej 6/2        ctp,dr.szach,dump,duster,dhorn,electrip,exor,
        22-200 Wîodawa         fizyk,k.k,gregory,gunner,ini,jacool,jim,kovy,
           Poland              krashan,leôniak,leunam,lopez,mixer,nork,paig,
   .. !! swapp maniac !! ..    snipe,steel,the  king,thorin,trash,young-man,
 ¡official spreader vote PMm¡  yappi,werbung,vox,zoltan,..!thenx 4 all guyz!
                      p  a  r  a  d  i  s  e
    _________      :                       ____.          ____
  ./        /_____ | _______   ____________)_  |   ___  ./ __(____________
  |    7   /  _   \|_\___   \ /  _   \     _/  | _(___)_|_____     /     /____
  |      _/   _    |   _(   /.   _    \    `   |/       /___i/    /  7__/    /
  |______\|___/    |___\_____|___/    |\_______|____________/____/__________/
             /_____|_____ _     /_____|                            tF!/u'R!
     support  to   :  p  a   r  a  d  i  s  e   a new production by nah-kolor!
                  melon/nah-kolor            blaze/nah-kolor
                  martin banasiak           patrick kalinowski
                 dabrowskiego 87/4              polna 63/5
                  58-105 swidnica             21-200 parczew
                      poland                      poland
                send  s u p p o r t  with your hq gfx^modules 
                         (max.100-200 kb! unpacked),
             votes,articles only of scene,adverts,messages,news,
                 invitations/results and raports with party.
                          ____     ____
          .______________¡_   |____\___\__         :
    ______|     \_  ____   \_ |    ________       -+-- -  -
    \     |      /     /    / |    \_\   \         | !happy mailtrading!
     \__________dwb________/__|___________\        :
    Coders, Musicians and Artists needed!!!        . jim/sector 5
                                                     wlodek kuzmowicz
    Contact Void at:   DT214 / Void                  ul. wodna 12
                       37 Hayfell Avenue             11100 lidzbark warm.
                       Heron Hill
                       Kendal                        poland
                       Cumbria, LA9 7JH                                  .
                       England, UK                   !answer guaranted!  :
    Don't let another scene group die!!                           -  - --+-
      ___________ _____ ______     ______     ____ ___     ____     ______
     _\  ____/__ Y ___/_\  _  \   _\  _ /_   _\   \  /_   _\__/_   _\    /_
    /    /___ /  |  \ /    \   \ /    \   \ /  _   \   \ /      \ /  ____  \
  _/         \_      \_     \   \_     \   \_   \       \_       \_  \      \_
  \    _______/_______/__________/__________/____\_______/________/___\      /
       d o  y o u  s e a r c h  a  d i f f e r e n t  m a g a z i n e  ?
   d o  y o u  w a n t  r e c e i v e  t h e  l a s t  DEFY  b y  CYDONIA  ?
                     d o n ' t  w o r r y  w r i t e  t o !
                  EUROPE:                           AUSTRALIA:
             Abraham Sanchez              P.O. Box 555       P.O. Box 16
             Leon XIII, 5-3C                BRIGHTON         PENDLE HILL
              41009 SEVILLA                 S.A 5048         N.S.W. 2148
                  SPAIN                    AUSTRALIA          AUSTRALIA
                     n e w   c o n t a c t s   n e e d e d   !
                          _ ______  ______________
                _______    ____   \_)   _______
             ___)  __  \  _)   \_____ _/ ____ (___      MADEL/RNO 
                  __/  (__\___  \_   Y   \_ /        MARCiN BEBNOWSkI
              _    \           \   _        /     _     LEKiNSKO 88
              \\____\     ._____\ (\) .__________//   97560 KLESZCZOW
                     \____|      \____|    _,             POLAND          
               r.N.o       _ _____________( \___$Ð!
                   n o   l a m e r s     n o    b e g i n n e r s
                                                    ....             ....
                                                    .Try the Iris WHQ   .
   ______  __/\__  ____ ___ ______________          .for hopefully      .
  _\  __/__\____/__\_ ( )  Y  ___  ___ __/_         .hot & friendly     .
  \__ l   _Y   _Y   - _Y  .l  _Y¬  _Y\__   \_        swapping..
  ||      \__  \__    \__ |   \__  \__ ¬  __/        I like AD&D, Techno 
  |`-------^----^------^--^----^----^------'|        and Marvel..
  | Hawk                  Amiga Since 1986! |
  | ---               Friendly Since Birth! |        Darkhawk/Iris
  | Niklas Jonsson            Fast As Hell! |        Osby Nedergade 20
  | Bittinge              Scene since 1989! |        6100 Haderslev
  | 715 92 St.Mellosa         VHS swapping! |        Denmark
  | Sweden                                  |
  |        |        . FRIENDSHIP RULEZ! .
  `-----------------------------------÷noB÷-'        .   100% reply to   .
                                                     .    long letters   .
                                                     ....             ....
                        ____________    .    ____________
                 _______)          /____|____\          (_______
     .___. ______\                /|    ¦    |\                /______
     |  _|___      _____       _______   ___ .     ___    ________    __ ____
     |  \___ \____/    /_______\___   \_/ _/______(___)__ \___    \ //_//___/
     |   __/  \_      /|   /_     /    /  \__   \.      //   /____//_
     |_________/____________/_________/     /____|__________________/draw
           .                    /__________/
         __·      i need'ed more and more contacts, now write to me:
        \/\. /                    budgie/venal!
           \/                    kamil kaczmarek
           |                   boh.warszawy  105/3
           ·                     72-200 nowogard
           .                         poland
           ·    you are foreigner, then write to me, reply for all.
  __/\___ __ _/\________/\______
  __    /_____   ___________    \
  /    /    /    __/__/    /    / - - -.
  \____    /_____    /_____    /_      |        ________        ________
  _._____ /________ /_______  /_/      |       _\_ ____/_ øØØø _\_ ____/_HS!
   |     \/        \/       \/         |      _)   \| .:(_ØØØØ_)   \| .:(_
   |                                   |    .-`-----\____/ °° `-----\____/-.
   |       - liMitED! eDitiON! -       |    `----------- - ØØ - -----------'
   |                                   |     Try some Grait Gfx-swap here:
   |    For FAST & REAL FRIENDSHIP     |
   |              Swapping:            |            Drac/Ambrosia
   |                                   |            Jan Knudsen
   |  BLACK DRAGON / LIMITED EDITION   |            Nr.Brogade 126
   |          PAUL PACHECO             |            8900 Randers
   |       2 AVENUE PAUL BRARD         |            Denmark
   |   78700 CONFLANS ST HONORINE      |
   |            FRANCE                 |
   |                                 __|
             ¦     ¦  r a v e   n e t w o r k   o v e r s c a n
             `-----`                    ._________ ___________ _
             .-----. __________ _______ |        /________   / /
             ¦    _¦_\_____   /     __ \!       /      ¬\/  /
             `---/   _____  _/___    ¬\ \      /_______    / -g!
             .--/    \          /______\      /.---.\_____/  __
             ¦  `--.--\________/-------.\____/ :   `--------_\/_ ---.
             `-----`                   `-------·------------\/\/ ---`
             .-----. is searching for some *ACTIVE* members, like
             ¦     ¦ coders, sysops, swappers and graphic artists!
                      contact Kure4Kancer for joining Rno
                                  venekatu 11
                                 33410 tampere
                                              ______  ____) ___/ _____.
                                              \____ \/ _______  \     |______
                   _____                      _/   \  /   \_ |   \_   |     /
  _______  _______ \___/ _______  _______     \_____\/_____/______/________/pa!
 /   |  ¬\/    _ ¬\/  ¬\/      ¬\/    _ ¬\AcE
/    :    \_   \   \_   \_   \.  \_   \   \_  For unbelievable long letters and
\_________ /____\__ /___ /_______ /____\__ /  some AGA stuff (030/50/6), contact
 ~~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~~~/~~~~/~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~~~/   this fast fellow, and he'll answer
                aCe oF uNIOn                  in the next few! days... :')
                pIOTREk cUCh
              uL.lOKIETKa 3d/5                LousY/Massive (not on envl.)
               59-225 cHOJNOw                 Jonas Santoso
                -> pOLANd <-                  Waisenhausstrasse 26
                                              4500 Solothurn
            · sUPPORt aBc pACk ·              Switzerland
      · kNOWn sCENe mANIACs pREFEREd ·
                                              Greets: Dafix, Moon, Felix, others
                      _(_)_    __________________
                     (_{_}_)--'                 /___________________ _
   if you looking fast (_)_____   ________   _ /   _____     __ __
   and friedly swapers   / .__ \  \_   .  \ / \   _\    \   /  /  \ dGs
   plase write to now:  /  | /  \ /   _|   \   \ /  \    \ /     _ \
                       /   |/    \    \____/    \    \    \   \_/   \  _
                   $Ð! \_________/_____|  \_____/_________/____|____/_(_)_
                             _____________/                         (_{_}_)
                                         /___________________________ (_)
        .pepson· piotr trochymiak·h.sawickiej 6/2·22-200 wîodawa·poland.
             .electrip·leif bilstad·teigen 32·4370 egersund·norway.
         .entrix·michal konieczko·wiejska 22-28/3·81-068 gdynia·poland.
                  _______         _)    \/  (_
                  \     (____     !          |
                 _ \    /   /.  ________     !        ·
                       /|    |__\___   /.________  _ _:_____
                       ¯¯         |/    |\_    _/.____|___ (
                 _ ___________    /              |\   ___/ / _
                        -nM$!/___________             \|
                                        /_________     \_
                                  ¡    __        /______/___ _
                                  |  ·\\//·  ¡
                   ¤ wANNA sWAP wITH fRIENDSHIP wITH wAREZ ¤
                               dT214 oF vOID wHQ
                               37 hAYFELL aVENUE
                                   hERON hILL
                                    lA9 7JH
              __                          ____ _____   _________   ____
             / ¬\  HS!  .__/\______    :./.   \   _/  /. ______/  /.  /_   .:
       _____/____\___   `-----.    '   ://   _ \   \_//  __/_____//  __/__.::
      _\   _________/____     ¦        \     \      \_   \_     \_   \_    \|
  ---_)_______________  ¬\_---'        |\_____\______/___________/__________/
     ~~~~/_:.       \/   _/            `------» w     o     r     k «----lm!'
                                                for coding contact,
     cONTACt dA fRIENDLy gUy...                 write to this addy:
    bOOBBa/sECTOr5^aZKBERRIEs!                     WIND/NETWORK
           mACIEk rEKOSz                          Antonio Vargas
           mONIUSZKi 8/1                            Relator 67
           114oo kETRZYn                          41003  Sevilla
              pOLANd!                                  SPAIN
     nO bEGGINERs, lAMERs, eTc.              or just send an e-mail to:
  ..aNd fOREIGNERs vERy wELCOMEd!            _                         _
                                          - -/--> <--\- -
 |___________________  ____ _____    |                  ......      tF!/aZk!
 |\    ________      \/    |     \   |         ....... ::::::::    ...........
 |_\_______   /   \   \    l      \  |  . .....: ___ _ ::::::::....: ______. :
 |\       /  /___  \   \           \ |     ______)___  :::::::: _ ___)___ ¬| :
 | \________/   /______/_l___l______\| · ._) _______(  ::::::::  _______(  | :
 |    S Y N \  / D R O M E           | : |   (_/¯ _   _::::::::  (_/¯ _   _| :
 |           \/                      | : | :.     /__( `::::::' :.    /__(   .
 |                                   | : |_______/ ...  ...... _ ____/ ... .
 | for cool and friendly             | :...........:   :::::::: .......:
 |                elite swapping     |                 `::::::'
 |   __                    contact:  |                
 |  /_/\                             |         for happy mail-trading:
 |  \_\/        Kestrel / Syndrome   |
 |     .                             |              guma/ambrosia
 |      . __   Jan Christoph  Meyer  |     8705
 |       /\_\      Lehmsiek 1        |             91-494 lodz 87
 |       \/_/   25876 Schwabstedt    |                 poland
 |                   Germany         |
 +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+         1 0 0 %   a n s w e r 
        .æ@@@æ.   _____     ___  ___     ______     _____      _____
   .--.@@'  `@@.-/  __/__--_\  \/   \--__\ __  \---/  __/__--__\___/-----.
   | .@§     ß@@_\___    \_       _  \_    \    \_ \___    \_  __|______ |
   | @@.    .@@'    /     /  \    / .:/     \    /    /     /  \       / |
   | `@@. .æ@@' ______ .:/____\  /___/_______ .:/_______ .:/_______ .:/  |
   `--`¤@@@¤' ------\___/------\/----------\___/------\___/------\___/lm!'
    Contact me for a fast'n'          NORK/NETWORK^MASSIVE^OSMOSE^DARKAGE
    friendly swapping experience                  Abraham Sanchez Gallego
    musicians are really welcome!                        Leon XIII, 5°-3C
    also send your votes for showtime'n'trashcan!           41009 Sevilla
                                             _                     SPAIN
   hi to those groups:                      - -\------>
    abyss.aliens.amiga circle.anadune.appendix.avocado.axis.balance.batman
     group.bros in arms.bucket.capsule.chaos age.chronique.crux.cydonia.
     darkness.depth.divas.dusk.erotic design.fanatic.fci.freezers.jewels.
  giants.goblins.gods.honoo.iris.kinky.llfb.massive.metro.mezcal.nah kolor.
   nivel 7.mystic.odrusba.old bulls.opium.osmose.outdoor.ozone.phuture 303.
  psykotrope.redline.ram jam.sadist.saf.sector 5.scoopex.sdc.silicon.spoon.
                 suicidal t.syndrome.trsi recordz.vacuum.void
                               _.______    ¡/
              ______           \¡         /|               ______
       _______\     \___________|_      ___|___      _____/     /_____
       \__   __\     \________    \_    \__    \ .___\___      _______\
         /   \________\    \_/     /      /    \\|      /     /     \
        /_______pnt^apt___________/      /______\\     /_____________\
                                |          |     \____/
               point of apathy  |         _|_
           alexander gustavsen  |         \_/ short greets: ambrosia
                  gardkroken 4  |          |  element . eltech . erotic
          n-615o ørsta, norway  |          |  flying cows . fun . giants
                               _|_         |  gods . limited edition
         fast or friendly swap \_/         |  looker house . mystic
      zip disks or dd floppies  |          |  ram jam . saints . syndrome
          support apathy prods  |          |  u'race . vajrayana . void
                ascii ordering  |        __!___ _
                           _ ___!_         ¡
  !::::::·               __                  !          _     _ . _  _ 
  |:::::·            _\\`  |                 |         (_'|_ 7 '||_'|_7
  |::::·            |  \   |                 |         ._)l_.l  ||  l_.
  |:::·  __  _    _____    |  ____ . __      |
  |::·  _\ \/ \_ _\___ \_ _.-|   / o° (_     |
  |:· _/  \  _  Y _____  Y   |  / Y \_/ \_   |       f r i e n d s h i p !
  |   \_   \/   |  `-'   |  /¯\   |     _/   |
  |  .o(-.__|___|-.______|-.______|-.___)o.  |
  |                 .      .                 |        ..strife of apathy..
  |           [aC!d |   \__| dGs]            |          torgeir amundsen
  |                 |__,\\                   |           glitregata  13
  |                                          |           3600 kongsberg
  |     4 FaSt & FrIeNdLy SwApP wRiTe 2:     |            n o r w a y. 
  |               Mc RuDi/MaWi             .:|
  |               WoJtEk NoWaK            .::|       _   _   _      |_     
  |           cZeRwOnYcH kLoNoW 5/2      .:::|      `_7 | 7 `_7 |_  | 7 | 7
  |          33-101 TaRnOw  , PoLaNd    .::::|      (_l l_l (_l l_. | | l_|
  |                                   .·:::::|          |               ._l
  |   I nEeD mOrE cTx - 100% AnSwEr 4 AlL::::|
                _____   ________   ____         ______   ._____
            ____\    \__\ __   /__(  _ \________\._   \__l    /
            \    \        \___/       \ \        l/         _/___
      _.____ \                  /______\    .____/              / ____._
       |      \________________/        \   l   /_______________\     |
       |                                 \__|                         |
       |                                                              |
       |   4 swapp ^ join write to:       4 cool^friendly swappa to:  |
       |                                                              |
       |         dRf/vENAL                       bUDGIe/v@NAL         |
       |     pIOTr  pASZKOWSKi                 kAMIL  kACZMAREk       |
       |      bOSMANSKa 33/4o                 bOH.wARSZAWy 1o5/3      |
       |      75-257 kOSZALIn                  72-2oO  nOWOGARd       |
       |__      -> pOLANd -<                      -> pOLANd -<      __|
         /_____                  answer 1oO%                   _____\
                        ____                                       ¡
    ______________  _ __\___\_______________________________ ¡    _|_________
    \________ \_  \    _________   \    __ /_  ___  \_  ___/_|_   \_________ \_
     / _____/  /  \\  /   \   \_\   \   \_   \   /   /______   \   |  _____/  /
    /_________/____\\//    \_________\____\   \_____/dwb________\  |_________/
                    \/______\              \___\             |     !
     for everything                                          !
     concerning music ->        raze / ambrosia
                                thomas petersen
                             norrebrogade 110, 2th
                                  8900 randers